School Visits

Visiting a 4th grade class in Rhode Island

A note from a 3rd grade student in Texas

Library visit in Massachusetts

Visiting a 4th grade class in Rhode Island
One of the best parts of writing is the chance to connect with readers. I am a teacher as well as a writer, and visiting schools and libraries is a great way to combine my two passions.
Since I teach creative writing as my day job, I am comfortable in most classroom settings (and beyond!) with any age group, and am happy to present in any of the following visit styles:
Large group presentation: 30 minutes to 1 hour
An interactive discussion of books and how they come to be. This presentation can be tailored for any age group, and includes information about my series, cultural influences and representation, the process of writing and publishing a novel, and a chance for questions.
Writing workshop: 30 minutes to 1 hour
A short interactive discussion of books and the writing process, followed by a writing activity and chance for students to share their work. Possible lessons include the parts of a story, character development and voice, inventing galactic settings, and the art of outlining. Perfect for middle or high school classes with an interest in writing.
Skype Q&A sessions: Up to 15 minutes
A quick, fun way to introduce your class to a published author and let them ask book and writing questions.
Skype presentation plus Q&A: 30 minutes to 1 hour
A more structured Skype visit including my presentation about writing life as well as time to chat about books and questions.
For more information or to schedule a visit, contact me at